YouTube Says New 5-Second Video Load Delay Is Supposed to Punish Ad Blockers, Not Firefox Users to – 1670 points –
YouTube Says New 5-Second Video Load Delay Is Supposed to Punish Ad Blockers, Not Firefox Users

Firefox users are reporting an 'artificial' load time on YouTube videos. YouTube says it's part of a plan to make people who use adblockers "experience suboptimal viewing, regardless of the browser they are using."


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Huh, I just thought youtube was running slow. Still better than ads.

Extensions like "agent spoofer" allow you to customize the details of what your browser reports to the web page.

Personally on my home pc, I'm using a galaxy s21 with the netscape browser

I find the use of having Firefox pretending to be Netscape like using your parent's ID to buy liquor underage. Too funny!