Cost-of-living crisis fuels global appetite for instant ramen

Lee to – 335 points –
Cost-of-living crisis fuels global appetite for instant ramen

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Why? It's far cheaper to just buy rice, beans and/or potatoes and combine them however you will. Add some sauce if you're feeling rich.

I feel like all of those have longer preparation times.

So it's not a cost of living issue but a (mental) exhaustion issue that makes people not spend any time on cooking besides their jobs

Compared to instant noodles, yes. Cooking rice takes like 15 minutes at most. Potatoes can take like an hour tops with the peeling but you can boil a bunch or cook them in an over and reheat them in a microwave later.

The price win is definitely worth it IMHO though. Instant noodles are like 1.90 euros per meal while a kg of rice or potatoes is about 1 euro and lasts for days, not just one meal. Also rice and potatoes get cheaper the more you buy at once.

Less salty too. Ramen is a salt bomb and no fiber. People say ramen is for when you are broke but really ramen is for when you are lazy.