The Supreme Court rejects Biden's plan to wipe away $400 billion in student loan debt to World – 134 points –
The Supreme Court rejects Biden's plan to wipe away $400 billion in student loan debt

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Unless the dems take back court we would be all living through a nightmare.

Maybe Hilldawg could have campaigned in Wisconsin or taken seriously that even if she won the popular vote, that the Electoral College actually mattered.

Reminder, she did win the popular vote. The majority did vote for her.

Or maybe Obama could have kept his campaign promise that codifying Roe vs. Wade in law was his first order of business.

This has been the Democrat strategy for a long time now: make wonderful promises they don't intend to keep, then blame everyone else when they don't come to fruition. People keep voting for them despite this obvious fact, because Republicans make terrible promises that they actually try to keep.

We're damned if we do and damned if we don't. The only winning move is to not play flip the table and play a different game.

I just posted this thought before scrolling to see yours. Absolutely their strategy. They don't actually give a fuck about us or the promises we expect them to keep.

The dem politician's tactic. Pretend like you give a fuck (pretending bc they dont actually do the things to solve the issue), and then hold your constituency hostage during elections. Then continue to pretend like you give a fuck.

Or maybe Obama could have kept his campaign promise that codifying Roe vs. Wade in law was his first order of business.

I don't disagree that Democrats should have done this, but I doubt any Senate during his presidency would have passed it. The Democratic super majority lasted only a few months and he used that to pass the ACA. I don't think it would have passed if it had codified Roe.

Right, he spent his political capital on.... *checks notes.... Romneycare.

While it has helped out many who are destitute, it has still resulted in many, many people struggling with their health insurance, paying monthly bills that are so high and deductibles so high that they literally can't afford to use their healthcare.

He also promised a public option but I guess forgot about that too, when push came to shove.

I fail to see why you're turning this around on her. She simply stated a fact that became reality.

This happens every election cycle. We do our job by electing them. They are privy to what will happen and fail to act when they have the power to do so. Who else do we blame? The universe?

If Hillary were president instead of Trump we wouldn't see this stacked court.

That has nothing to do with Obama's promise or whatever.

It has everything to do with Obama's promise. By not following through on his promise to legislate it into law, the opportunity to reverse the previous court decision was always a thing that could happen. Acting like them not taking the opportunity when they had it means its the fault of the voting public is pure bullshit.

Instead, Obama used his political capital to pass Romneycare, which while it helped a lot of poor people, has made the insurance market even worse for many, who still have insurance that they can't afford to actually use.