Americans think the American dream is dying to politics – 319 points –

Americans are increasingly unlikely to believe that those who work hard will get ahead and that their children will be better off than they are, according to two recent polls.


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"That's why they call it the American Dream, because you have to be asleep to believe it."

  • George Carlin

George Carlin was one of the greatest comedians ever.

a great philosopher. future humans, or maybe some alien race, will study the words of carlin the way we do socrates, plato, and aristotle.

I don't think so. Most popular culture gets utterly annihilated by history. It's a little unsettling how popular things can be and then absolutely forgotten.

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The quote is accurate. But man am I tired of seeing it pop up in every thread related to American quality of living going down the shitter the past 30 years

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