Grand Theft Auto VI Trailer 1 to – 646 points –
Grand Theft Auto VI Trailer 1

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Hahaha 2025, I knew it. people are gonna be pissed 🤣

Two delays and three price changes later, this game will be fantastic when it comes out in 2027

See ya in 2030 when online is ready

I'll have to wait until the PC version comes out in 2033, but see ya then!

Was about to say the original release of GTA V wasn't an actually release since it didn't come to PC for a couple of years

Oh, you're not gonna wait for Online that long. It's gonna be their main focus for sure.

100% it's their money maker. I'd be less surprised if they delayed the campaign to get the online out.

Not surprised, GTA 5 was announce 2011 and release 2013.