Funny how it became bathroom use and imaginary things drag queens do... to Lemmy – 1025 points –

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Aren't we all supposed to be dead by now from the poisonous vaccine? This has got to be the slowest-working poison I've ever seen.

Millions upon millions around the world within 6 months of the first "jab"

They're all dead, you just don't know them they go to a different school.

I'd love to see a breakdown of those who didn't get the jab and those who did for deaths during the first 6 months from covid. Hint: It's already been done and those without the jab died at 3x the rate.

You can't trust those stats! My cousin's friends sister is a nurse and she said....

Yeah well my brother's Mom's sister told me that the guvment can track yall now

I was promised microchips. I haven't gotten a single brain notification from Elon Musk yet. This some bullshit.