Firefox is on the brink of being dropped by the US Government to – 575 points –
Firefox on the brink? |

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The U.S. Web Design System (USWDS) provides a comprehensive set of standards which guide those who build the U.S. government’s many websites.

Now I know what to blame for every single US government website being so poorly put together they they barely function, if they function at all.

That's the opposite of most UK government websites. I've always found them very well designed and easy to use. I think they're well regarded by web designers

UK gov site is pretty good, NHS can be an absolute mess, especially going into the different trusts.

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USWDS is new and is a response to exactly that problem. You'd be blaming people who have nothing to do with the status quo who were hired to fix the problems you've experienced.

Not to derail a good point but there are at least a few government entities with brain cells. Check out and, the latter of which has created a responsive, accessible platform for government websites.

Bold of you to assume that people writing contracts or working them know about these standards at all.

every single US government website being so poorly put together

So, just like the rest of the internet? A technology, that popularly speaking, has only been around for 30-years?

And you expect an entity, as huge and diverse as the US government, on federal/state/local levels, to be on the same page?

I can safely make 2 predictions about you:

  • You're young, and that's A-OK. My kids are GenZ, maybe Alpha? They're my last, best hope for this world. But you haven't had the benefit of watching all this evolve. I was writing BASIC on a VIC-20 as a child. 3K RAM!
  • You're not in tech. So again, you haven't had the benefit of trying to make all this shit work. GenXers physically and programmatically built the world you live in, on top of the work of the Boomers. I've hung cable drops and coded, all messy.

This clusterfuck is both expected and natural. Or did your science teacher tell you evolution was orderly? Or perhaps intelligently designed?

And anyone else wanting to complain, I'll remind you, this is how the government vs. the free market works.

Government works by rules that are not broken or bent. And this pisses some people off. Private enterprise works by what works and what doesn't. It's fast and fluid, and not designed to take "the people" in mind. And this pisses some people off.

Some tasks are appropriate for the government, some for the public sector. We're still working this shit out. (website_under_construction.gif)

I can safely make 2 predictions about you:

You might wanna check the reception on your crystal ball, Nostradamus, cuz you're wrong on all counts. I'm 38 and have worked in general IT as well as network engineering.

What a weirdly arrogant, condescending response. I also started on basic on a vic20, had a dad who worked in IT for the government, and have done all of that except the physical wiring on any noteworthy scale. This is utterly unhelpful.

This thread is filled with people who don't make a connection between shitty government websites and the roads that are filled with pot holes, several train derailments every day, a tax collection agency that doesn't have enough staff to do audits on wealthy people, and schools that ban books that have rainbows in them but teach books by Prager U.

We could have better government websites - but not if we elect "starve the beast" politicians.

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