What are your "poor person" money life hacks?

return2ozma@lemmy.world to Ask Lemmy@lemmy.world – 305 points –

Let's get a list going. Like with a Target debit card you can get $40 cash back and it takes 1 to 2 days to be withdraw from your checking.


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That last sentence is going a lot of heavy lifting

If they're stealing heavy things, they're a shitty thief!

(Seriously though: if you're going to steal, do it from large, company-owned places, etc. Don't prey upon struggling people or small businesses.)

Here in Australia we "product relievers" have a sort of rule that the big stores woolworths, coles ect are fucking free game and to leave the family convienience store alone.

My brother convinced me not to, as Coles and Woolworths are often franchised by families. Head office takes their cut regardless, whatever you steal comes out of the franchise owners wallet. Happy to be proven wrong as I'd love to knick from em.

I agree with you. I get the sentiment, but even stealing from large corporations like Wal-Mart is just backfiring in slow motion. They will eventually just either raise pricing to accommodate theft, install theft deterrents, or hire more people to be theft deterrents, all of which the cost is passed onto the customer. ie, you and me, and the thieves that complain about the high prices and steal to offset the cost. This isn't to defend shitty practices by big corporations. But nuanced opinions are lost on most people, and I'll subsequently likely be called out for defending consumerism/capitalism.

Nah they're charging as much as they can and will continue to charge as much as they can. If they could raise the price they would.

No prices went down when they got rid of 30 cashiers and made me scan my own stuff, they're not going to go up if I walk out with bananas.

But don't steal from Target, unless you actually want to get free meals and and lodging for a while.