‘We Heard Him With Our Own Ears!’ CNN’s Dana Bash Stunned By Trump Rival’s [Ramaswamy's] Claim Cops Incited Jan. 6 Rioters

Flying Squid@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 389 points –
‘We Heard Him With Our Own Ears!’ CNN’s Dana Bash Stunned By Trump Rival’s Claim Cops Incited Jan. 6 Rioters

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If the only thing you care about is genocide, then it doesn't matter.

It also means you don't care about improving the lives of your neighbors or mitigating other kinds of damage.

If that's how you really feel, then you do you. But being a single issue voter leads to very weird outcomes.

Devil I know vs the one I don’t.

Run someone who doesn’t support killing innocent by people.

Why is that so hard?

Should be easy. Should be simple. Clearly isn't. And you can't change that. So what will you do?

In first past the post, failing to vote is the same as a vote for the person you like least.

You may not like the game, but even by not playing you're playing.

See you people like to say that, but I’m not opposing you. I’m just not supporting you.

I could vote for trump, I can not vote, or I can vote for Biden.

I could cancel out one of your votes, I could add to your vote or I can do neither.

Do you see the difference now?

Yes, I fully understand. You think that no voting is a null action. That's a comforting but too simple viewpoint.

I recommend you watch the CPG grey video on first past the post voting. It's fun. It's quick. It explains my point better than text can.


Cool I will just vote for trump since it is all the same then.

I don’t give a shit what you want to tell yourself to make you feel better about actively supporting genocide.

Here is a radical fucking idea, run a fucking candidate who doesn’t support genocide.

It won’t matter soon, all the people that matter are dying or dead already, after that people will just forget about it and them anyway, and then you guys will have your way about it.

You are supporting the guaranteed death now, vs what might happen later, and the actual people now will pay the price for your hypothetical actions in the future.

If you prefer the option of "genocide with a reduction of rights from my neighbors" more than "genocide alone", then that's you're right as a citizen to choose it.

And as much as you like to pretend that not voting somehow absolves you, it doesn't. To truly not be liable you need to stop paying taxes. Otherwise your participation in our economy props up genocide.

Once again I can not stop it but I can not give it my active support.

All of my neighbors rights? What about the rights of children not to die? We might be able to roll anything he does back, you can not roll back death

You ask me to support your hypothetical about what trump might do, I know what Biden is doing.

Given the options of guaranteed genocide or potential, why not pick the non guaranteed option?

So stop paying taxes. Otherwise you're funding child murder.

If only I could. The government takes all my taxes out without me being given the option. Yay mandatory sales tax!

You could. You could move out of the US and refuse to buy any US products. It would come at great personal cost to you, but it would mean you are completely not complicit.

Do your morals stop when you have to personally give or sacrifice? You refuse to vote because it would make you complicit, but you don't refuse to live in and contribute to a country that makes you complicit.

To be clear, I don't think this makes you a hypocrite. I'm just further pointing out that your absolutist morals aren't realistically sensible, and that your morals clearly aren't absolute if there's boundaries you won't cross to meet them.

Give me the money to afford it and get me and my family a visa to a different place.

There is a difference between what I can actually do and what I wish I could.

Here’s the thing, other countries don’t want to accept Americans because they see how we are.

So while theoretically I could do what you say, it’s going to take tens to hundreds of thousands to pull off which I can not to without abandoning my responsibilities to my children.

So, I do what little I can.

Perhaps, instead of working against me for the worst democratic candidate, you people to try to nominate someone who is actually worth a damn it does not support fucking genocide!

Got it, those innocent kids only matter if it isn't an inconvenience to your wallet or requires effort. Moving away for a clean conscience is too much, but voting for what's the best realistic scenario is an affront to your values.

So go ahead. Vote how you want. But know that if you don't vote against Trump, you're helping out Israel. It seems you're just fine with that though.

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