Video shows stripped Palestinian men detained in Gaza

المنطقة عكف عفريت to World – 327 points –
Video shows stripped Palestinian men detained in Gaza

With fighting raging around Khan Younis and in the north of Gaza, a video has emerged on social media showing dozens of Palestinian men detained by Israel.


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Lots of right leaning conservatives in America dick ride the Zionists.

But ig they don't represent all right wingers

The issue is bipartisan. Dems love Israel just the same it seems.

Democrats in power are fully bought by the israeli AIPAC lobby. Joe Biden is a major recipient of israeli bribes.

Israel is currently spending 100 million to replace the Democrats that don't support their apartheid, such as Ilhan Omar or AOC.

And then the Democrats feign outrage about foreign interference in US elections. Just like they (rightly) say we have to defeat Trump to save democracy, all while actively rigging the 2024 primary - even canceling it in states like Florida.

Democrats are a far bit better than Republicans, but they are sure doing everything possible to undermine their own messaging.

At least with republicans you know they're awful from the jump they don't really try to hide their shit baggery. Dems try to play the good guy but are like wolves in sheep's clothing

More like sheep in shepard's clothing I think. They give the sheep a false sense of security but, when the wolves appear, suddenly they are sheep again, or nowhere to be found.

You got the Christo-Con old guard Republicans who will drop to their knees at the drop of a hat to suck the nearest Israeli's dick. They make up majority of the over-60s, which is frankly a pretty major segment of the Republicans. These are the guys who will automatically side with our greatest ally regardless of context.

Trump-leaning but not fanatical Republicans tend to be pro-Zionism or at the very least they are neutral to it. I feel like this group is exceedingly small.

But MAGA-ers? It's hard to place them. You get a mix bag of hardcore Zionists, white nationalists, libertarians who are against the funding, it's all over the fucking place.

I do feel like Zionism is dropping among Republicans year by year.