YouTube comment deletion is out of control, can't say anything anymore even when completely sensible. Is there a text format (alternate characters) that allows you to bypass detection? to No Stupid – -43 points –

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Wanting to bypass a broken YouTube detection filter with variant characters is a stupid question?

Yes. For a number of reasons that have been explained to you repeatedly in this thread.

Go away now.

No one is understanding a very basic point, seemingly.

You don't need to know the content that's being removed, which is varied, in order to be able to suggest a text character that doesn't get removed.

People in this thread, mainly one person in particular, is trying to argue that they would need to know what the content is in order to suggest a text character. That literally makes no sense.

If you know a text character that might work, then that would be helpful, and you don't need to know what the content is in order to provide that.

Please tell me you understand this.

It's not that they need to know that to provide a potential answer, it's that they want to know that before they decide to help you bypass a filter.

A user here repeatedly tried to argue that they physically could not provide an answer without knowing the content. I think they realised their logic didn't make sense after I explained it clearly, because they stopped replying.

I'm still here. I just realized that you're never going to tell us what you said. Have a good day (or night). Perhaps for the future consider if being hostile and evasive is the best disposition when asking for help. I know this will likely trigger an argumentative reply, but consider that the harder tone you take, the more of an issue your behavior becomes and the opening issue becomes less the topic of discussion.

Look I appreciate if you were trying to help. But what you were saying honestly didn't make sense.

I really don't think I was being hostile. I tried to explain my position clearly, that for multiple reasons I'm unable to state exact comments that have been removed, though I gave you general examples. You seemed to ignore this multiple times and at that point I didn't know how else to explain it.

And you tried to argue that you weren't able to provide a character format without knowing the exact content, inaccurately comparing it to someone not telling you what problem they were having with their car, even though I have explained the problem and there's nothing preventing anyone from helping with it in this case.

All it requires is the knowledge and willingness to suggest a text character that doesn't get removed.

This is really hard to understand for me, if someone else asked for help with this, I would just help if I could. I wouldn't try to determine what the person is commenting.

So are you still saying you can't physically help with what I'm asking? Or do you just not want to help unless I tell you the content, because you can't trust that what I'm commenting is completely innocuous and getting deleted for no reason? Do we not trust each other at our word anymore in this society?

Do we not trust each other at our word anymore in this society?

On the Internet, the answer to this question has always been the same. It hasn't changed since I got in on an old 14.4k baud modem.

This place reeks of a lack of empathy, seriously. I explained my situation and it does make sense. But people (not you specifically) are being really rude.

I don't think there's a lack of empathy, especially when you consider that we may be concerned for the more numerous viewers who could potentially see your comments if we help you bypass the filters that you seem to be running into more than just occasionally.

I provided examples already, and I also said that I'm not trying to say anything bad in any way. But people don't believe me, and demand to know more, and won't accept the answers I give. They assume the worst of me and make a lot of false accusations.

On top of that, people are rude and insult me for no reason.

Everything I say gets downvoted no matter how reasonable it is.

Yes, this is unempathetic. I know empathetic people. This is not that.

Trust me, you are rare as a more reasonable person on this platform by the fact that what you're saying actually makes sense and is somewhat kind natured. So I appreciate that at least.

Also, everyone knows people on Reddit (and the culture here is basically the same as Reddit) are really rude and unempathetic to anyone asking for help. So this isn't limited to this thread at all.

Everyone here understand the point. It's just that this point is dumb.

Tricks like that worked in the early 2000s. Nowadays, these tricks are much more likely to get you banned rather than the other way round.

All of these automod bots have features that can decypher stuff like that.

You don't need to post comments on youtube. You're asking for people to do you a favor. They're asking for more information before they do the favor. If you don't want to fulfill the requirements, fine, but quit trying to act self-righteous because you're willing to spend far more time trying to claim you don't need to answer the question than it would take to answer the question, and going to that much effort to obfuscate rather than elucidate, suggests that whatever it is you are hiding would be seen as bad.

I literally answered to the best of my ability. I'm so sick of repeating myself by now to so many different people. Please read my other comments for more information. If I say completely basic, normal, random things like "Toshiba TVs suck" or "I love it when people dance like their legs are crazy straws" or whatever random stuff it gets deleted. Completely random things with no apparent logic to it. See other comments for more info. I don't know how else I can explain it. It just happens on random comments.

I understand alright.

I also understand nobody wants to read your comments. On YouTube. It’s like a toilet shooting your shit back in your face because it’s too filthy.

So no, I don’t NEED to know what the content of the messages is. But I WANT to know, because until this post I honestly could not imagine ANYTHING being too crappy for YouTube to leave up.

And no, I’m not going to help you no matter what. Your comments have more red flags than the Korean workers party annual conference.

Your comment assumes that something would have to be crappy for YouTube delete it. You leave no room for the possibility that the comment deletion system is broken and can often delete completely harmless comments for no reason, I guess for some people more than others for no discernable reason. I'm considering the possibility of it being location-based as well. Maybe I should use a VPN, or not use a VPN. Or I don't know. But you are just so confident and sure of things and making a lot of assumptions which are false.

Don't let this comment go un-downvoted! Don't think, just downvote quiiick!

Don't let this comment go un-downvoted! Don't think, just downvote quiiick!

Can’t downvote or be downvoted. Blahaj account.

But you are just so confident

I’m confident that you are evasive when pressed. What other evidence do I need?

How is trying to explain that it happens on random comments and doing my best to produce examples of "average" "random" comments being evasive? "This channel has helped me feel sane lately." "Frogs are crazy how they move". If you don't believe me, whatever. It's literally just random stuff. If I change some words, sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. I don't know why that would be but it only happens on certain, random comments. Sometimes it's if I mention a brand or company or institution of some kind, without any criticism or anything, a mainstream company, other times just completely random stuff that's not even referencing anything in particular. Shadow deletion I guess, but I have no idea why.

No one is understanding a very basic point, seemingly.

Maybe that point isn't being well explained.

Or maybe people disagree with your basic premise.