A Ukrainian soldier says he stopped shelling small Russian units because he is running out of US-made artillery ammo

Lee Duna@lemmy.nz to World News@lemmy.world – 339 points –
A Ukrainian soldier says he stopped shelling small Russian units because he is running out of US-made artillery ammo

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Meanwhile, Biden has just bypassed congress to send more money to Israel to help them with their genocide.

What the fuck is Biden doing? Israel is rich. They don't need any money from us at all. If we needed any reminder that neoliberals are conservatives, this is it.

Can European countries come together to fill this void? They are in peril if Ukraine falls to Russia.

I also don’t understand this.

Even if somebody is pro-Israel, come on: they have a powerful military, a working economy, and some nukes for back-up. Let them sort their own fucking shit out.

Meanwhile, Biden has just bypassed congress to send more money to Israel to help them with their genocide.

No. He allowed Israel to buy weapons. Nobody likes it but giving weapons for free is completely different than allowing someone to buy weapons.

On a normal year, we give Israel $4 Billion. That's in a normal year, without a genocide to support. That's not a loan. It's a gift. Year after year.

Whose money do you suppose is being used to "buy" our weapons? Is that really what you would call a "purchase"?

I referred to your specific statement that Biden just used emergency powers to give Israel money.

That's not true. But that doesn't make the rest good.

In nearly every European election since this year, the local Russia-controlled parties have taken over government (if they weren’t the government already, like in Hungary). This will continue next year, especially in the EU parliament. I wouldn’t hold my breath that any help will come from Europe any time soon.

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