Amazon scammers used hacks and bribes to make millions off fake returns

Lee to – 214 points –
Amazon scammers used hacks and bribes to make millions off fake returns

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If only there were a way to make it so employees weren't willing to risk their jobs scamming the company to just to earn an extra $100. 🤔

This is a real tough problem here, not sure how we could possible solve it. Clearly the answer is to throw more money at the CEO.

Won't anyone think of the billionaires? They are persecuted every day and lose hard earned money on this. I only hope Jeff can afford to go to space again after this scandal. Thots and prayers.

That’s not the right answer. First, let’s hire McKinsey for a few millions to analyze related cases and Amazon’s processes. After that, we can implement their recommendation of a 5% downsizing, CEO salary increase, and a stock buyback program.