Rudy Giuliani: Electing Obama has 'taken us back 40 or 50 years on race relations' to politics – 412 points –
Rudy Giuliani: Electing Obama has 'taken us back 40 or 50 years on race relations'

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"You think it's accidental; I know it's Marxist planned and executed over a long period," he claimed. "Open border is not coincidental. The open border comes right out of Karl Marx. It comes right out of [communist activist] Saul Alinsky, who, by the way, Saul Alinsky and his acolytes taught Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton."

This shit? The insane musings of high profile Republicans.

Who the eff are all these marxists, communists, socialists, etc., wielding all this incredible power in the US and how do they stay so hidden? Deep state? But isn't the deep state mostly rich white guys pulling the strings?

The real communism was the capitalism we made on the way...or some shit

I heard someone ranting about Marxist banks at one point. Like, just tell me you don't know what words actually mean am I right?

They're so crafty that even the policy they're passing is pure neoliberal dreck that's to the right of Reagan. Nobody would suspect a thing!

Lead poisoning is a huge part of why the 60+ age bracket is acting so erratically now.

Ah yes, famed communist Obama, whose biggest accomplishment was shoveling huge amounts of cash to the health insurance industry in exchange for tiny concessions on the margins.

And who teamed up with Bush before his term started to give a shitload of money to wall st so the events of 2008 didn't cause a transfer of wealth in the wrong direction. Who sat by as the banks foreclosed on a lot of people's only homes. Or maybe it was communism that made the judges decide that banks had to have proof they owned the mortgage before they could take homes from people?

You know they've digested too many Nazi talking points when they start breaking out Saul Alinsky and start trying to link him to prominent Democratic leaders.