‘Don’t get sick. It’s too expensive’: medical debt is putting more Americans in financial crisis

Lee Duna@lemmy.nz to News@lemmy.world – 639 points –
‘Don’t get sick. It’s too expensive’: medical debt is putting more Americans in financial crisis

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What about us who worked hard AF to pay off their off student loans early?

This was 5 years ago, not 15 or 20. I'm not being petulant or a child

What about those of us that had to starve? You should starve, too!

Obviously we should have been smarter and just committed ppp fraud like the others!

Well, what about ya? How about you look at the whole system and learn how unsustainable it is? How about you understand that those just finishing the process are in a much worse position than most of those that just finished paying their loans were when they first graduated (and it wasn't great when you first graduated either).

Well, what about you?

Note: I just finished paying off my student debt in Oct.

"Wah, I didn't get the thing so that means nobody can get the thing!"

You sound like a petulant child. Be happy that millions of young people would have been lifted out of debt.