Valve To Steam Deck Owners: Stop Huffing Its Vent Fumes to Not The – 571 points –
Valve To Steam Deck Owners: Stop Huffing Its Vent Fumes

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“Looks like I picked the wrong week to stop sniffing Steam”

"it's a big company with lots of games in its store. But that's not important right now."

What’s Steam?

Joey Jessica, you like movies about gladiators?

thisbenzingring, you ever been to a Turkish bathhouse?

Wait a minute, I know you! You're Kareem Anonymouse Jabbar! You post comments on lemmy!

I'm sorry son, but you must have me confused with someone else. My name is Roger Murdock. I'm the co-pilot.

It’s an online storefront that sells video games, but that’s not important right now.