Trump Dinner Guest Says ‘Perfidious Jews’ Should Be Executed to politics – 255 points –
Trump Dinner Guest Says 'Perfidious Jews' Should Be Executed

Nick Fuentes, a white nationalist who dined with Donald Trump last year, said on a livestream that "perfidious Jews" should be executed.


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For all those confused how people who hate Jewish people so much can support Israel.

They hate any one who looks Arab even more, unless they got oil to sell.

Ik it makes no sense, no surprises there.

And just part of white nationalism is that they want Jews to leave their country and move to Israel. (I’m not sure what they think about white Europeans on Native American lands. They probably came up with some bullshit that lets them live in Oklahoma but I avoid people like that. Someone else will have to ask.)

Honestly, my perception of the antisemite/Zionist crossover has always been that is there's a Jewish state then there's a place for Jews to go that isn't here.

I don't know though, that may be entirely too rational for a worldview founded on ignorance-fueled emotions.

Let me introduce you to THE MADAGASCAR PLAN! TLDR-The Nazis planned on sending all the Jews to Madagascar so they'd get out of Europe. They thought to send them to Palestine first, but the British controlled that and the guy planning it didn't want the Jews too close to Europe.

Its really more religious from my understanding. The idea that Jesus will come back sometime after the jewish temple gets rebuilt, I think, is what is being spread. Isreal has to be a sovereign nation for the end of the world to kick off.

This was a large part of the discussion in Europe at the end of WW2.

Germany wasn't the only country trying to decide an answer to "the Jewish question." Some advocates may have had good intentions, but many just didn't want to open their borders to Jewish refugees, and the idea of Israel was a convenient way for them to wash their hands of it.