YouTube uses lower quality options on browsers running on Arm-based systems — misreporting as an x86 CPU appears to be a widespread browser fix

Lee to – 587 points –
YouTube uses lower quality options on browsers running on Arm-based systems — misreporting as an x86 CPU appears to be a widespread browser fix

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They still have no app. Viewing anything on that site through your mobile browser sucks ass.

NewPipe for android

Tried that, the interface wasn't any better. Also, you couldn't log into an account and get recommendations. I use Revanced extended.


Just tried it. Tried playing several videos, and the app just crashed every time. Plus, again, there is no youtube account sign in and a bad UI.

Not being identifiable is kinda the point of Piped, so an official YT login will never be a thing, I'd assume

Piped is based on NewPipe's extractor.
If you want an app it's available on f-droid or with sponsor block on Izzy's repo.



Grayjay is proprietary. Use Newpipe, which is what Piped's extractor is based on.