Inside the Troll Army Waging Trump’s Online Campaign | A team of meme-makers has been flooding social media with pro-Trump posts riddled with sexist and racist tropes. Donald Trump is cheering them on to politics – 156 points –
Inside the Troll Army Waging Trump’s Online Campaign

Much of the group, which refers to itself as Trump’s Online War Machine, operates anonymously, adopting the cartoonish aesthetic and unrelenting cruelty of internet trolls.

Cheered on by Mr. Trump, the group traffics freely in misinformation, artificial intelligence and digital forgeries known as deepfakes. Its memes are riddled with racist stereotypes, demeaning tropes about L.G.B.T.Q. people and broad scatological humor.


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So it's probably Russia, or maybe NK, or another dictatorship or Fascist state who wants to destroy democracy. Or perhaps it's just some straight-up traitors.

Well at least one is a traitor

The video’s co-creator — Bryan Heestand, a product engineer in Ohio who goes by the anonymous handle C3PMeme

If you have a handle tied to your name publicly, it’s not an anonymous handle.

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