This page in my kid’s book from school to learn how to read. to Mildly – 686 points –

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TIL that aeroplane is commonwealth english.

Brought to you by the people who spell jail as gaol Non-US English speakers absolutely do not say gaol instead of jail lmao and haven't for a loooooong time.

How do you know we're not secretly saying "gaol" but you're hearing it as "jail"?

downvotes of those that don't know that's actually a word.

It's an archaic word that pretty much fell out of usage in the 1800s. People don't say it. It's a word in very much the same way forsooth or something is.

That's why I downvoted.

Fucksake man, can you genuinely not tell when someone is poking fun at you? Are you one of these types that need the /s, like the seppos do? 😂

They were not being sarcastic.

This is a common misconception from Americans who presumably just read some 300 year old poem or book in their English literature lessons and assume everybody still writes like that.

They were definitely being tongue in cheek. No need to get your skidmarked knickers in a twist over a flippant comment.

Might want to work on your reading comprehension old chap