Someone redesigned the Steam UI, and I need it. to Steam – 96 points –
I Redesigned the ENTIRE Steam UI from Scratch

I need it now.

I’m not a designer, but I can appreciate thoughtful explanations from passionate people, and I very much enjoyed watching her walk through her thought process.

Further, I find steam to be incredibly clunky, and I’d love to see them adopt her design.


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I stopped watching 3.5 minutes in when her 'solution' to the top level UI was to delete the downloads status button and half the other menus like 'File', you know where you exit the program and said 'nobody uses' all the store sorting tools. This should be used as a class for how to ruin your ux for the sake of a pretty ui

That new generation design mentality, every webpage should have a max of 3 buttons, take up 50% of the page and the other half of the page can have 100 words maximum. Function over form please, every website is slowly devolving into this form over function bs the last 5-10 years. I think the UX designers all retired.

i exit steam whenever i close the window

well, i did, until valve removed that option...

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