Trump tells rally immigrants are ‘poisoning the blood of our country’ to – 762 points –
Trump tells rally immigrants are ‘poisoning the blood of our country’

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I agree with Trump. Ever since the first European settlers came to the North America, the area has been in heavy decline. From polluting rivers to the point where they could be lit on fire, to the last president who was a fascist.

You're full of absolute shit, Europeans were just the peanut on the turd. Ever since proto-Asians crossed Beringia North America has gone to hell, killing the sabertooth tigers and hunting all the really fucking cool megafauna to extinction. There used to be giant sloths here, and sloths are so chill.

Yeah, king. Motherfucking North America was like Africa, except less hot.

Woolly mammoths, giant armadillos and three species of camels were among more than 30 mammals that were hunted to extinction by North American humans 13,000 to 12,000 years ago, according to the most realistic, sophisticated computer model to date. The news is reported in the June 8 issue of the journal Science. ...

Some of the mammals that became extinct are:

  • woolly mammoths

  • Columbian mammoths

  • American mastodons

  • three types of ground sloths

  • glyptodonts

  • giant armadillos

  • several species of horses

  • four species of pronghorn antelopes

  • three species of camels

  • giant deer

  • several species of oxen

  • giant bison

Not likely wiped out by humans because they were probably already gone, but oreodonts are pretty cool too. They basically looked like pig dogs. And we don't know if they were related to pigs, camels, or hares. Which is a funny verity of possible relatives.

nobody talks about the real natives, the chainsaw-claw pumas

So it’s the “proto-asians” we should all be angry at 🤔
