Joe Biden whisked to safety by Secret Service as car slams into motorcade to politics – 217 points –
Joe Biden whisked to safety by Secret Service as car slams into motorcade

Biden was emerging from his Delaware campaign headquarters when the car ploughed into an SUV guarding his motorcade

President Joe Biden and First Lady Jill Biden were rushed to safety by the Secret Service after a car suddenly ploughed into a parked SUV that was guarding the presidential motorcade.

Mr Biden was walking out of his campaign headquarters in Wilmington, Delaware, on Sunday night to his waiting armoured SUV when a silver copper sedan hit a US Secret Service vehicle that was closing off intersections for the president’s departure.

The sedan, which carried a Delaware licence plate, then tried to continue into a closed-off intersection, before Secret Service personnel surrounded the vehicle with their weapons drawn and instructed the driver to put his hands up.

Mr Biden was captured looking stunned and froze when he heard the loud bang close by.


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that they think Biden is too old for all this.

He IS too old for is Trump. The fate of the US is in the hands of the coronary health of two fucking assholes that should be in nursing homes.

I'm too old for all this shit and I'm younger than the youngest president in history

Maybe we should swap the age limit so 35 is the upper limit not the lower.

Having it as an upper age limit was a response to Europe having a century of wars where young men ascended to thrones, and made impulsive decisions to launch invasions, expand conflicts, etc. It's not crazy to lower it slightly, but it's also not something we want to bring down by much.

The electorate should get to choose whoever it wants. We don’t need som group of assholes amending the Constitution to limit voter choice. Biden was the clear and decisive victor of a primary with over 20 candidates, none of whom came close to beating him. If anything we should change the voting age.