Dear Lemmy, **why** Star Trek?? to – 601 points –

Every single large server in this federation has at least one Star Trek community. There is even an entire server dedicated to Star Trek.

Not only that, these communities are some of the most active I've ever seen. There is no other franchise I know of that dominates the federation as much as Star Trek does.

So, what's the correlation with Lemmy and Star Trek? Why not other sci-fi series? Please, are there any connections?? Is this all coincidental?


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Lemmy is socialist by nature, and so is Trek, but also it's Trek, one of the two most iconic Sci-fi franchises available, Reddit was basically the same way but with Star Wars, but for some reason there seemed to be far too many people on the dark side and simping for the empire and Vader.

The “Empire did nothing wrong” stuff was pretty weird indeed.

Alot of them are living in an empire they've been conditioned to be okay with after all.

iirc George Lucas himself said that Star Wars is an allegory for the Vietnamese (Rebel Alliance) resisting American imperialism (Galactic Empire)

Oh, some are not only conditioned to be okay with it, but will defend it till their death.

Ah thank you! I've been trying to remember what subbreddit took their villain rp too seriously. It wasn't all that funny when people just swapped out real slurs and minorities for fictional ones.

Gah,..remember the top voted thread in every post was a pun thread. Hilarious days.

Also the Empire was only consolidated to fend off enemies from outside the galaxy that only the darksiders could see. ;’D