Company tells employees to run miles each month if they want their bonuses

Lee to World – 389 points –
Company tells employees to run miles each month if they want their bonuses

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My health is nearly none of my employer's business. I will not be telling them when or how I exercise.

This is a gross invasion of privacy.

There isn't much difference between a "bonus" and a penalty, given enough notice.

I kind of like the Japanese culture of the workplace being in charge of the health of their workers. This is why they all exercise for the first 30 min of their shift. If they are overweight, they find a solution.

Is it invasive? Kind of, yeah. Pretty much. Idk. Maybe the bonus shouldn't ride on the fitness, but I think the workplaces should be more involved in the health of their employees.

Japan has a fraction of the obesity as the USA.(BMI >/=30, J%:3.8M/3.2F to USA%:43.0M/41.9F)

Also they have 1/3rd the % of population with disabilities at 4.3% vs the USA with 13%.

I'm not saying the brief forced workout routine by their employers has results, by no means, what I am getting at is that shit wouldn't fly in America and any attempt would end in failure due to our cultural relationship with food.

To be fair it is kind of their business just in a very indirect and invasive way.

Your health affects your performance, your health affects their health insurance, disability, and life insurance premiums.

This means that as far as the faceless entity of a business goes your health is its concern. Now whether we agree to just accept that or not as a whole other story.

On a personal level I wouldn't mind my employer being more involved in my health, not invasively or privacy violating like the above. Providing access to nutritionists or trainers, supplementing a gym membership under the agreement that I actually use it. Making exercise equipment and group workout sessions available. Things like that.

"firm in China". Pretty sure China doesn't deal with "health insurance, disability, and life insurance premiums."

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