Young voters right now overwhelmingly prefer Biden: The Economist/YouGov poll to politics – 715 points –
Young voters right now overwhelmingly prefer Biden: The Economist/YouGov poll

Young voters overwhelmingly say they would support President Biden over former President Trump in a hypothetical head-to-head match-up if the 2024 presidential election were held today, according to a poll released Wednesday.

In the Economist/YouGov poll — conducted via web-based interviews Dec. 16-18 — more than half (53 percent) of registered voters under 30 said they would support Biden, and less than a quarter (24 percent) said they would support Trump.

Another 10 percent said they would support another candidate, 4 percent said they were not sure, and 9 percent said they wouldn’t vote.


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Elect us and maybe we'll do something about abortion.

Democrats are in an abusive relationship - it's just better than the alternative.

There were plenty of better alternatives in the 2020 primaries than Biden. People voted him specifically to fuck over Progressives and Leftists. They'd rather lose to MAGA than leftists.

A lot of people voted for Biden in the primaries because they were being told he had the best chance of beating Trump. Plenty of those people actually favored the policy proposals of other candidates.

This is a messaging problem then. The message that other candidates had a good chance against Trump didn't resonate as much as the message that Biden had a good chance. We need to figure out why that is if we hope to change that.

Leftists are not and will never be popular in the US, even if specific causes they support are popular.

That's your messaging problem. You need to make your causes seem and feel less extreme.

Republicans didn't start with Trump. They inched there.

That’s not true. You’re confusing punditry for polling. The former is biased against progressive reforms while the latter shows that large majorities of Americans are generally in favor of them.

A lot of people voted for Biden in the primaries because they were being told he had the best chance of beating Trump.

Read into that message a bit more and what you get is: "We voted for Biden in the primaries in order to fuck over progressive and leftists efforts." Now those same people are expecting our votes in the general? They can get fucked.

So you're willing to throw away our democracy and freedom, just so you can get revenge on Biden and everyone who voted for him. He barely has any power and can only sign bills that the house republicans are willing to pass.

If I'm obligated to vote for someone I fucking despise then Democracy is already dead.

You really need to get over this persecution complex.

2020 was extremely high stakes and the general population doesn't think the way you do, and it wasn't about fucking anyone over.

If you're not going to hold your nose and sit out from picking a centrist and a far-right fascist, good luck ever getting any leftist policies implemented ever. Cutting off your nose to spite your face isn't how we move forward.

I know I won't change your mind, but try to at least practice some introspection instead of telling everybody to "get fucked". The stakes are even higher this year than in 2020, and your choices are maybe a little bit the next four years and some real change after, or no chance ever. Throwing a fit will push us toward the latter.

2020 was extremely high stakes and the general population doesn’t think the way you do, and it wasn’t about fucking anyone over.

Great. Then it sounds like my vote isn't needed for the 2024 general election.

Buddy, you can't have it both ways. Either this "general population" of Democrat voters is capable of winning general elections all on their own and can continue to ignore anyone else who has a different opinion. Or, they need to wake the fuck up and realize they can't keep picking primary candidates they know we hate and then act shocked and surprised when we don't vote for them in the general.

all these people hate MEEEEEEEEE that's why they voted for Biden!

Honey, nobody was even thinking about you. Maybe if you spent the last 50 years shaping the political ecosystem to be more receptive to your ideals, like the fascists did, you might have actually have a political presence worth noting. You lost the long game, now all that's left is damage control.

Sounds like you think you can win the 2028 general election all on your own then. Good luck.