Hamas Police Officer Fatally Shoots Boy Approaching Humanitarian Aid Truck to Keep Others Away:

Rapidcreek@lemmy.world to World News@lemmy.world – 234 points –
Hamas Police Officer Fatally Shoots Boy Approaching Humanitarian Aid Truck to Keep Others Away: Report

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There is a humanitarian crisis in Gaza and Hamas is causing it

Yeah, nothing to do with military occupation, indiscriminate bombing, targeting of infrastructure, or Israel not allowing in aid.

It's almost as if two things can be true.

Hamas maybe started the latest conflict, but they're certainly not the ones that are continuing it at this point.


Hamas has reneged on every agreement, cease fire, hostage swaps. They refuse a ceasefire right fucking now because the Hamas leaders refuse to walk away.


CAIRO, Dec 25 (Reuters) - Hamas and the allied Islamic Jihad have rejected an Egyptian proposal that they relinquish power in the Gaza Strip in return for a permanent ceasefire, two Egyptian security sources told Reuters on Monday.

Hamas is 100% continuing this war just like the IDF is, they are both disgusting.

All they need to do is give up the hostages.

Yeah and then Israel can go back to their peaceful genocide right? I get it death is bad, but ignoring context (settler colonialism) to feel superior by saying both sides are bad is dumb. None of us can sit here and tell an oppressed people how to fight their oppressor.

Absolutely, however you’re being reductive here.


CAIRO, Dec 25 (Reuters) - Hamas and the allied Islamic Jihad have rejected an Egyptian proposal that they relinquish power in the Gaza Strip in return for a permanent ceasefire, two Egyptian security sources told Reuters on Monday.

You forgot foreign leadership continuing to use the Palestinian people’s lives as currency for their operations and future plans.

Israel and Hamas, working together to hurt the Palestinian people.

That's how it's been since Hamas was founded with Israeli aid, and how it's been ever since.

Dude, quit blaming one group of sociopathic religious/ethno nationalists. It’s like if two street gangs were having a gun brawl outside of an elementary school and you were asking which gang had the most legitimate grievances.

You should read this play called Romeo and Juliet. It’s got a whole lesson about how idiots fighting and holding grudges destroys the most beautiful love of all.

And Mercutio. He isn’t poking anyone but “A plague o' both your houses!” is a cool line.

Harold Perrineau really did play the best Mercutio. There’s obviously a lot of reasons to not like Baz Luhrmann’s teen-romance interpretation of Romeo + Juliet but that interpretation and performance of Mercutio should inspire all future stagings.

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