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What nasty ass mother fucker is hitting a vape they found on the fucking ground?

a kid with a nicotine addiction and no easy fix?

Shit I've seen broke mf taking cigarettes out of public ashtrays that have a few hits left on them

I find that less distasteful than this for some reason and I don't know why.

I’ve taken cigarette dimps from the floor.

Other random things. I tend not to smoke joints to the roach and then on hard times I had been known to tear up all the 10% joints to make a nasty one.

Finally, I lived in some rough ass flats once and the junkie neighbour would often knock on asking to bum a smoke. I would always oblige if I had some but one time I didn’t. He proceeded to ask for some of the ash from my ash tray. Dumbfounded I’m like sure. My sociopathic gf at the time enlightened me that it was to facilitate smoking crack as the ash would aid the burning of the rock.

I’ve seen crack heads roll up on a pub with a shopping bag and empty out the ash tray things attached to a wall and get off.

tend not to smoke joints to the roach and then on hard times I had been known to tear up all the 10% joints to make a nasty one.

We used to call them grandfather joints

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Or tearing each one to get the leftover tobacco, then rolling it in loose papers.

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That's sad and still nasty as fuck and this is coming from someone who does dumpster diving.

For food or furniture? Lol

Mainly food but I have done it for furniture. If you know the right places and know the right times, the food is fresh. Kolacheand bread are the best to get because they have to throw away what they don't sell that day, so it's always fresh and edible.

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Now you know how COVID spread so easily. You're wearing a mask and washing your groceries in the sink and this person is putting their lips on stuff they find in a parking lot

My coworker did the other day

Wow, they are dirty. I'm sure their dentist would recoil in horror

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