Maine’s top election official removes Trump from 2024 ballot to politics – 490 points –
Maine’s top election official removes Trump from 2024 ballot | CNN Politics

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If we ban the only guy who instigated coup in US history, I think we'll be ok.

Okay cool, so you're saying the ends justify the means and it has absolutely nothing to do with hindering your political adversary? So when your side is the one defying the constitution and the right takes antidemocratic steps to stop them, that will be justified and in no way will you complain?

It's literally a constitutional amendment my dude. This is how the democracy is structured, at the very foundational level. If you try to attack the lawful transfer of power, you aren't eligible for office anymore. If a Democrat tries to engage in insurrection, then they too won't be eligible. That you think defying the constitution is just something that everyone does sooner or later is very very weird.

Was Trump found guilty of insurrection? I must have missed that. My mistake.

The actual Confederates this was targeted against weren't found guilty either. There's a reason "convicted" doesn't appear in this amendment.

Explain to me how Trump's actions rise to the level of Confederate soldiers who literally killed fellow Americans. I bet you also think "silence is violence".

The insurrection killed fellow Americans. I'm not even sure what your weird quip is supposed to reference. Sounds kind of like some bullshit you pick up in the make believe version of liberals presented by rightwing media and swallowed without question by gullible conservatives.

There have been plenty of Republican candidates that have never sought to interfere with elections. In fact, of presidential candidates, there has only been the one, as far as I know.

This isn't a "tank the Republicans", this is "we can't abide Trump, specifically". No one accused McCain, Romney, Bush, of anything like this.

It's funny that you mention THOSE Republicans because I'm old enough to remember when all three were hailed as the second coming of Hitler by the left. Weird how that's changed...

You're suggesting the constitution isn't totally democratic? That's a shocker.

I'm not 100% sure I agree with the particular clause of the 14th amendment, but the beauty of the constitution is if we don't like it, we can change it. Nevertheless, the amendment writers' position isn't baseless and Donnie proves it.

The other side takes anti-democratic steps all the time. If they kept them within the spirit and letter of the Constitution, that'd be a nice change.

Get a grip. It was not even close to a coup. You're drinking too much cool-aid!