Can't play an EA game via geforce now due to quitting a couple of times in one day to Mildly – 567 points –

I’ve been getting into mass effect trilogy finally, and since I don’t own a gaming pc, I like to play through GeForce Now.

Well, just now I had some things come up a couple of times a row and I quit my game a few times, and now I can’t continue because of some sort of lock mechanism against playing on multiple computers…?

Did not know this is a thing, but I have a few vacation days and wanted to get this series properly started, so it’s a little bit annoying. Who knows how long I have to wait?



Talking with EA support, they informed me that the wait is 24 hours. Jesus christ that is long for something like this. There goes my vacation day opportunity…


Wow! The customer support really pulled through, suggested they request a password change on my account from their side.

Turns out, this seems to toggle that flag, and I could now start the game! Hooray! Akash, my man, you saved the day! Cheers 🍻


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Piracy is completely justified.

How would that help in this case?

Not having to deal with EA's bullshit

OP said they don't have a gaming PC, meaning something capable of playing games at full spec

Pffft, just download some more RAM. You'd download a car, wouldn't you? 😂

Piracy is never justified. The solution is to not buy or use games from EA if anything.

Piracy is justified if it's to run abandonware, to bypass a broken DRM protection scheme blocking legitimate users from playing what they paid for, and for historical purposes (archiving, etc).

or if it costs 300 bucks in my 3rd world country, for a game that will probably be unfinished.

If you don't own the software when you buy it, it's not stealing to pirate it.

That's not true in the least. The smart move is to use alternative software.

I bet you watch ads, too.

Not OP, but I typically only pirate games if they're unavailable for purchase in a more legal way. Like PS2 games, for example.

Most of the modern games I buy these days are from developers I genuinely want to support and see more from, like Atlus or Vanillaware.

And, no, I use uBlock Origin.

Well no, I just stay away from proprietary software. For the internet I use ublock origin.

Courageous to make such a comment on Lemmy, where the community will bend over backwards to justify piracy.