RFK Jr. Confronted With Brutal List of Conspiracy Theories He Has Pushed In Devastating Interview Moment

Flying Squid@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 136 points –
RFK Jr. Confronted With Brutal List of Conspiracy Theories He Has Pushed In Devastating Interview Moment

I'm not a big fan of Nick Gillespe, but he wiped the floor with RFK Jr. here.


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I don't get the hype around RFK. For all of the virtue signaling democrats do about Trump and MAGA types, they sure seem eat that shit up with a quickness when their own special brand of unhinged geriatric starts telling them what they want to hear. It's a bit embarrassing he's even getting this much publicity

You think Democrats are eating that shit up? All the hype I see around him seems to be coming from right wing types trying to use him to damage Biden.

There was like one poll that showed him with 20% of Democrats saying they'd vote for him in 2024-- back when the only thing people knew about him was a his name, before it became well known how insane (and how obviously a far-right plant) he was. Oh, and even then that poll was an outlier, most polls before the hype began showed him with less than 10% support-- well below the crazification factor.

Yep. The only people I see insisting that Democrats love him... are desperate-sounding Republicans.

Show me one democrat that supports this conservative plant. Dude isn’t a democrat and democrats are very aware of it.

All of the RFK hype is manufactured. I've met a grand total of 0 democrats or leftists that understand how he has any popularity at all, and those are groups I frequent (considering I am one of those things).

He's just a spoiler candidate being run to help Trump win.

Agreed, totally manufactured. Not only do I not see or hear genuine support, but in its place is always this same question about why the hype. And it's a good question because there isn't any that isn't silicone.

People click on things that are at least vaguely familiar to them. RFK Jr. is propped up by the "K" part of his name. He'd get 1/20 as much coverage and attention if his name was Robert Francis Smith.

That's 95% of it right there. His last name. For the rest, there's an inherent desire in the media to create a horse race even if it makes no sense: competitive-ish elections get eyeballs, eyeballs get advertisers, advertisers give money. Pretending that he's anything other than a pointless loudmouth lets them get more money.

I honestly never even questioned which party he was running for. I've only seen him being criticized and compared to other conspiracy nuts like Alex Jones. I don't think he's being hyped as a presidential candidate. I think he's getting a spotlight because his name is recognizable and he's on some crazy shit. I doubt there are many, if any, democrats who support him.

He's getting attention just so we see how much worse we could get than Biden. The worst thing the democratic party wants is a progressive that will take away from their financial interests. RFK is simply getting attention so we don't give a good politician attention.

I think we already realized that we hit rock bottom when we chose Biden as the nominee in 2020.

Ugh. What an appropriate username. Choosing Biden in 2020 was a giant climb from rock bottom at the time.