Pornhub blocks North Carolina and Montana as porn regulation spreads

Lee to – 1009 points –
Pornhub blocks North Carolina and Montana as porn regulation spreads

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Meanwhile, the other sites are promoting trans anal piss porn, so that’s what I’m into now I guess, since that’s the only option.

Don't worry, yiff (furry porn) always makes it past safe search and content blockers, so you will have at least one other category. I'm sure that blocking porn won't backfire at all :)

Even e6 seems to have blocked NC... They truly are on their own

Too bad IT is such an under-represented industry among furries; I bet none of the furries in NC even know how to install a VPN. Such a shame. ;)

Yep, it’s only trans anal piss porn over here, no idea which bathroom to use and all the cities are on fire. Best stay in the red states until we give the all clear!