Several State Capitols on Alert Following Bomb Threats to – 259 points –
Several State Capitols on Alert Following Bomb Threats

Several state buildings across the U.S. are on alert Wednesday, following a series of bomb threats made to buildings across the country. Threats were reported in several states— including Mississippi, Connecticut, Kentucky, and Georgia state capitols.


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A security drill would not send bomb threats.

Why not? They let cops shoot guns (loaded with blanks) during active shooter drills in some places.

Shotgun and rifle blanks fired during active shooter drill at Warren County school

More than 800 students at Franklin High School experiencing gunfire in their school during an active shooting trainingthat involved two Franklin police officers firing a shotgun and a rifle loaded with blanks at timed intervals on Tuesday.
Students were given the opportunity to hear what gunfire might sound like inside the building and were able to decide whether to evacuate from the building or barricade themselves inside their classrooms.
Even though the students knew a drill was coming days ago that would involve the firing of weapons, some still were jarred at the situation when they heard the shots and smelled the gunpowder residue in the hallways.

Stupid drills planned ahead with school leadership is not the same thing as anonymous bomb threats.

I didn't say they were the same. My only point is that sometimes people exercise poor judgement when making decisions or policies.

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They would if the security drill was operated by the security threat to test the system response.

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