Several State Capitols on Alert Following Bomb Threats to – 259 points –
Several State Capitols on Alert Following Bomb Threats

Several state buildings across the U.S. are on alert Wednesday, following a series of bomb threats made to buildings across the country. Threats were reported in several states— including Mississippi, Connecticut, Kentucky, and Georgia state capitols.


Not a single mention of the word terrorism. When the fuck is the media gonna start calling a spade a spade?

Theyre afraid of getting bomb threats themselves

Right now, the threats aren't considered to be specific or credible by the FBI, they don't know who sent them, and they don't know why they were sent. For all we know, this might be some sort of national security drill conducted for the purpose of preparing for some future January 6th scenario.

A security drill would not send bomb threats.

They would if the security drill was operated by the security threat to test the system response.

Why not? They let cops shoot guns (loaded with blanks) during active shooter drills in some places.

Shotgun and rifle blanks fired during active shooter drill at Warren County school

More than 800 students at Franklin High School experiencing gunfire in their school during an active shooting trainingthat involved two Franklin police officers firing a shotgun and a rifle loaded with blanks at timed intervals on Tuesday.
Students were given the opportunity to hear what gunfire might sound like inside the building and were able to decide whether to evacuate from the building or barricade themselves inside their classrooms.
Even though the students knew a drill was coming days ago that would involve the firing of weapons, some still were jarred at the situation when they heard the shots and smelled the gunpowder residue in the hallways.

Stupid drills planned ahead with school leadership is not the same thing as anonymous bomb threats.

I didn't say they were the same. My only point is that sometimes people exercise poor judgement when making decisions or policies.

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It doesn't matter, it's still terrorism. Whether or not the threat is credible doesn't really matter, it is still terrorism.

Why do you think that?

the definition of terroism is using violence or the threat of violence to get your way politically.

Absent evidence of political motive, I wouldn't call this terrorism.

The targets are state capitols, literally political buildings.

They are government buildings.

Which government, at the root of everything, is doing something based on political ideology. The people in charge of government change based on politics and those politics drive policies that the government enforces. Ergo, the government is political so threats against it and its entities are terroristic.

Which government, at the root of everything, is doing something based on political ideology.

What actions were being taken by the government based on political ideology at the state capitols of Mississippi, Connecticut, Kentucky, Michigan, and Georgia (the email was sent to 23 states in total, but we can pretend it was just the states in this one article for now) that motivated this act of terrorism?

Anonymous friend, I don’t know because I don’t have access to any of that info. I don’t have the names of people, I don’t know every local law, I don’t know who sent this, I don’t know their political ideology.

What I do know? Government is run by politics and many decisions are made across political lines. The threat isn’t against the buildings, the threat is against the people inside. The building is just collateral and an easy way to do mass harm and cause fear to those making decisions.

Bomb threats still cause terror.

Bomb incidents are almost never preceded by a threat.

I guess people can't be terrorized by threats then, you solved terrorism!

Too bad Bin Laden didn't know he could have terrorized the United States with some emails instead of killing all those people.

Oh, you don't know the difference between a threat and an action.

Bin Laden did make threats in addition to the actions. The terrorism was the threat of more death and destruction.

Go read a dictionary!

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One guess as to what party these terrorists belong to.

We’re BOYS and we’re PROUD because we want a fascist dick to suck!

If the FBI can't even trace and track down such concerted effort, then there's a real problem.

Dont confuse cant with doesnt want to.

Lack of funding might make you believe that. I’d have to ask, who do you suppose is in favor of not funding the FBI?

Im saying the right has probably infected the place.

Right? All our communications are tapped by patriot act bullshit and they say this

Weird choices. Georgia I get because of the ongoing Trump prosecution, but if it were Trump, why not Colorado and Maine?

Yeah I was thinking the same thing. The choices feel kind of random?

Turner diary influenced race war types want to create chaos for chaos. They think they're destined to create an ethnostate with enough civil unrest so it's all a means to an end.

William Luther Pierce (author of The Turner Diaries /neo-Nazi) really should’ve received a good punch to the face or something during his lifetime. He was a loser before he met George Lincoln Rockwell and he was an irredeemable piece of shit after.

He was one of the few I was happy to get a cancer diagnosis. He really took too long to die. Safe and sound in his terrorist trailer park base right in the United States. He deserved everything McVeigh got

Fascists create chaos so they can try to sell you the idea that they're the only ones who can end the chaos.

Random threats are useful if the goal is to make everyone feel unsafe. Otherwise people might think it was targeted and that could help law enforcement speculate on who might be making the threats.

“Oh I wonder who it could have been? So many groups of people within the US looking to tear down democracy and install a fascist dictator. Guess we’ll never know.”

^ the FBI, probably

In order to create plausible deniability. Make the threat “external.”

Well that depends on the motivation for the bomb threat.