The opponents of Rule

Poplar? to – 559 points –

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Thats horrifying. I'm in favor of GMO plants (of course Monsanto and seed patenting is awful) but I didnt consider GMO animals. Thats particularly evil, of course factory farming with antibiotics and all that is already fucking evil, but damn.

We've been genetically modifying animals for millennia. Every animal that has been domesticated didn't start that way. We bred them, with genetics.

I feel like the comparisons of chickens from the 1950s to those today really highlight this

Would it be evil to genetically engineer a cow that can produce milk without having to get pregnant? Seems much less evil to me than the current state of things.

Wow U didnt even consider this. We can't just like give the cow progesterone to synthesize a milk environment? Or I guess making more dairy cows is also part of the business.

You guys are the reason we will never get genitically engineered catgirls