Microsoft is adding a new key to PC keyboards for the first time since 1994 to – 502 points –
Microsoft is adding a new key to PC keyboards for the first time since 1994

Copilot key will eventually be required in new PC keyboards, though not yet.


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We should also get a chrome key

And a windows store key

And a link key

A key to open minecraft

Why not a key for launching the "windows action menu" or whatever they call it

A key to open the control panel

How about a key to open the settings menu?

Why are we limiting ourselves? We should have 500 keys and at least 300 of them should be unique to windows.

You think you are joking but in the 90's that was a thing for keyboards.

it had a few hardcore fans, a quick search for RT9450 shows people still trying to get that to work up to about 2020

honestly i wouldn't mind having another scroll wheel/bar on the keyboard somewhere, in the middle above the function keys might be cool

also fyi that link can be tidied to

Because none of those keys are useful. AI is useful and isn't Microsoft exclusive.

Once keyboards start adding the key, I'd be legitimately surprised if the major Distros didn't eventually follow suit and integrate AI into their platforms as well. Hell, it might get built right into your favorite desktop environment in a couple years.

I get your point, AI is useful for some people, but what about the rest of us who don't want it or use it? I genuinely use the menu key and would prefer to keep it functioning as it does and now I'm going to be forced to lose that key and now I have to deal with AI? It has no use for me. I also don't want something actively watching and "thinking" about what I'm doing. I want my computer somewhat dumb and to only do what I tell it to. If you want a keyboard with a dedicated AI button, get one with a macro pad or something. Don't inconvenience the rest of us by forcing a nonsensical change

Their point was that you could just assign the scroll lock key (or whatever) to open ChatGPT instead because who the fuck uses scroll lock?

Funny you say that, cause as a FL Studio user I hit that key all the time. (It switches between auto/manual scrolling of playlist, i.e. it locks/unlocks auto scrolling.)