Clicks is a BlackBerry-style iPhone keyboard case designed for creators

ayla [she/her] to – 68 points –
Clicks is a BlackBerry-style iPhone keyboard case designed for creators

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What does this have to do with "creators", though?

I was mildly interested until I saw "designed for creators". Seems like a meaningless marketing term that gets added to everything these days.

Just be glad they didn't call it an AI keyboard

Or... A iKeyboard

I will see myself out

“Creator” in this case presumably means people who want to type lots of stuff

No idea. It seems obvious that this is designed for the vision-impaired.....

More screen real estate compared to a virtual keyboard taking up ~30% of it

I mean sure, but how often is the virtual keyboard pulled up in any "creative" app? It always auto-hides if you're doing anything other than interacting with a text field.

I recommend watching the video linked in the article. They mention live streaming, working in a spreadsheet, and long text messages where you have to scroll to read everything

Plus this isn't just a hardware product, the keyboard shortcuts would be pretty handy for any power user. Sounds like they'll be rolling out more software for it and have more products in the works