Get ready to hear more about "pre-internet" times

Chris to – 44 points –

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Way back then, how did you spend your time while having a satisfying bowel movement?

Reading shampoo bottles

My favorite was Dr. Bronner's Castile Soap. Absolute crazy talk on that bottle!

David Bronner, one of the grandsons of Dr. Bronner, is a fantastically interesting person with a lot of really charming eccentricities I think you were trying to capture when you said 'crazy talk'. I've met him a few times at medical psychedelics conferences, he was introduced to psychedelics at burning man and has bought fully into how it's expanded their mind and has helped them heal.

Oh shit! We call that the "God soap"! Recommended toilet reading for sure.

My dad had a book called Uncle John's Bathroom Reader (no clue which one) in the bathroom for the longest time.

Yeah there were comics or some 180 pages catalogue, or even a "porny mag" (no sex, some titties or the one big flash) in the bunch of stuff.

People were all alone at almost all times so people did a bit of anything whenever they felt like it.

It was a crazy time compared to now in that manner, like you'd walk home and no one would worry if you weren't like one or two hours late. Meeting up? Other is 1h late? Yeah there were probably some problem (it happened to all of us), or they decided to not come...

So I had my café where I went, you met those who made it :-)

Ha ha went off the rails there, cheers & good night from the EU!

I definitely miss parts of that.

The connectivity of the modern world has a lot of benefits, but it's also a pain in the dick.

Yeah sure is, but hopefully it's the new wave of stuff and we'll sort it out (it sure feels like this new shiny drug IMO), like with work from home and less bureaucracy I guess. Hope for. 😊

You’d read the labels of whatever the hell was within reach. Shampoo bottle, toilet cleaner bottle, soap, whatever.

Trying to remember that last TGA downloaded from a BBS the night before...

...and 30-odd years later, by writing this on Liftoff for Lemmy on Android.