GET TO THE POINT to ADHD – 765 points –

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I sometimes finish the sentence for them to speed things along. It's a bad habit of mine and I try not to be rude about it. Hopefully it just comes across as understanding and supportive rather than usurping the conversation.

It's the second one, definitely the second one. I do it to though, so don't feel bad. We just have to try to catch ourselves when we do it, and apologies and let them finish.

Surprise! My mom does this too, and the frustrating part is that she's wrong about the second half of my sentence a LOT of the time. It ends up being rude and makes the conversation even longer because I have to waste additional time going, "No, I was going to say..." instead of simply finishing the sentence and continuing on.

So congratulations. You're playing yourself. (I also have ADHD.)

So you have ADHD, but when you start a sentence you already know how it's going to end? How do you do that?

Honestly, there are times after my meds wear off that I have literally forgotten what I was going to say halfway through the sentence. Lol

Same, if I'm really tired, sometimes my thought will trail off, and I'm like, what was I about to say?

Personally I do it by my brain always being like thirty seconds in front of my mouth. Sometimes I wish I could open my mouth and just yell in white noise that somehow conveys the totality of what I'm thinking.

everyone hates it, and no, you don't know what people are about to say all the time.

I'm usually right about 60% of the time with strangers, though I'm intentionally not finishing the sentence aloud.
With friends and coworkers it's usually that we've forgotten a common word somehow and just appreciate the other person remembering it for us.

forgetting a word is totally different

It prevents the sentence from continuing which makes everyone want to either leave the conversation or try to "help out". Same principle.

it's literal torture working in retail and having this happen. I just have to sit there with a fake smile plastered on my face, mind running a mile a minute and watching the line behind this person grow as they explain to me what I already figured out. On the plus side, outwardly I appear really patient to others!

I really hate when people interrupt what i'm saying before i finish my train of thought, so i try not to do that to others. Instead i just suffer in silence as they meander for what feels like forever and get increasingly annoyed at them

This only makes it a million times more frustrating when i wait for them to completely finish their points, and then get interrupted as soon as i start speaking.