There were supposed to be 15 commandments, but Moses accidentally dropped and broke a tablet. What are some of the five missing commandments? to – 141 points –

And I know we're mostly atheists here, but please keep the theological discussion to a minimum and appreciate the lighthearted hypothetical scenario for what it is.


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Thou shalt not push to prod on Fridays

And the Lord said unto Moses: If thou pushest thy change, and the site goeth down, thou shalt roll back thy push. Thou shalt roll back first, even if thou knowest not the root cause. Thus may your days be long and prosperous on the earth.

And if thine rollback causes further blackout, then thou shalt purge the caches. If further still a blackout persists to be, then yay thou shalt send an update to your customers asking thou all to tight holdeth.

Thou shalt roll back first, even if thou knowest not the root cause

and make everything so worse your angels won't dare ack the alert. Forget not about stateful systems!

git blame, the new Amen.

Ive had a few commits with the comment "forgive me for the sins I am about to commit"

I knew it was bad code, but it worked

The best commit message I ever saw was --blueText is now pink - yeah I know but they insisted, BEM my arse