Trump claims he didn’t have ‘fair notice’ that Georgia actions could be illegal to – 674 points –
Trump claims he didn’t have ‘fair notice’ that Georgia actions could be illegal

The former president files several fresh motions to toss out Fulton County election interference charges

Attorneys for Donald Trump claim that the former president didn’t have “fair notice” that his attempts to reverse his Georgia loss in the 2020 presidential election could result in criminal charges against him.

A flurry of filings in Fulton County Superior Court on Monday argue that the sprawling election interference case against Mr Trump “consists entirely of core political speech at the zenith of First Amendment protections”.

Attorneys for the former president want the case dismissed on grounds that he has “presidential immunity” from actions while in office, that he was already acquitted for similar allegations in his second impeachment trial, and that he was never told that what he was doing in the state – where he is charged as part of an alleged racketeering scheme to unlawfully subvert the state’s election results – could be prosecuted.


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“Our country has a longstanding tradition of forceful political advocacy regarding widespread allegations of fraud and irregularities in a long list of presidential elections throughout our history, therefore, President Trump lacked fair notice that his advocacy in the instance of the 2020 presidential election could be criminalized,” according to his attorneys.

Calling what he did "political advocacy" is a bit like calling what Jeffrey Dahmer did an "alternative diet"....

...lacked fair notice that his advocacy in the instance of the 2020 presidential election could be criminalized

They're trying to insinuate that it was only just made illegal after the fact, like he didn't know that trying to commit election fraud was already a crime.

It's a roundabout way of acknowledging that it's considered uncouth to charge rich people with their crimes.

I swear they're about to take the Hitler defense. Just say, "yeah! We did it! We tried to overthrow the government! But only because we looooooove this country so much... And sure, sure, y'all say we're racist, but it's clear you don't understand just how racist we are. We are waaaaaay more racist than you can even conceive."

Then his idiot followers will talk about how he speaks the truth and says what's on his mind and he'll get locked up for, like, a year, during which time he'll pen his horrible instruction manual on how to destroy our country.

The least realistic part of this, sadly, is the idea that he can write for himself.

"Trump needs more crayons and toilet paper for his book!"

"Wow! He must have written 100 pages by now!"

"No... He just won't stop eating them..."

He could just get Epsteined when he's in there. That would be unfortunate and completely unforeseen.

I'd be surprised he is a liability to anyone in power but himself...

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I'm pretty sure everyone in the federal government has had plenty of notice, since the US Constitution grants States the sole authority to operate elections.

I’m stealing this.

What? No one warned me that stealing was illegal!

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