Your washing machine could be sending 3.7 GB of data a day — LG washing machine owner disconnected his device from Wi-Fi after noticing excessive outgoing daily data traffic

Lee to – 169 points –
Your washing machine could be sending 3.7 GB of data a day — LG washing machine owner disconnected his device from Wi-Fi after noticing excessive outgoing daily data traffic

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If you buy a "smart" washing machine and actually connect it to the internet, you deserve what you get.

I can think of a few smart functionalities of a washer that'd be nice. None of these would be motivation enough to buy one though, unless it was open source, which I'd guess isn't a thing.

Yeah, I wouldn't mind getting a notification on my phone ... sometimes I don't hear the little chime or I do but I'm the middle of something and forget.

Exactly. That's a small benifit to potentially sacrifice your privacy for though, so they're still a hard sell for me.

Literally get a vibration sensor and an esp32. Push notifications for a change in sensor value. Hoorah. No one needs to start it from their phone. You physically have to move the shit around anyways.

That's actually a really good idea. I might do that.

The smart people don’t connect these “smart” devices to the network

I don't even let my smart TV connect to the internet. Why would I help it fetch ads for me lol

That means you don't get any of the benefits of it being a smart TV. Which is fine, but unlike a washing machine there are actually obvious benefits for a smart TV.

Yeah except you can't really find a TV without the "smart" features anymore and I already have an echo cube thingy that does the smart stuff lol. So in my case it's not really a waste to leave it off. My other TV is connected to the internet and I can't even go to the gd settings page without being bombarded with ads it's super dumb

Not like there's a choice to not buy a smart TV.

Everything comes internet enabled, runs software that won't receive updates, comes with a shitty phone app, and some sort of subscription service either to enable features or auto buy product.