Holy shit Android 14 is really bad

nudny ekscentryk@szmer.info to Android@lemdro.id – 52 points –

No combined notification+ringer volume control? No non-dismissable notifications? No disabling of the bottom search bar? fair point this is launcher issue What the fuck is that shit?!


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No combined notification+ringer volume control? No non-dismissable notifications?

both of those can be seen as a plus for some people, also you always can change the launcher to one without bottom search bar, did people forgot how to customize their android?

From another thread there seems to be animation/gestures issues if you use a third party launcher


Yeah, unfortunately been a thing since the gesture navigation was implemented. Somewhat recently I've gone back to the three button navigation so I could use Nova but I'm using Pie navigation so I can have the swiping to go back and also gives me some customisability to do some additional actions while swiping.

If you have Android 13 rooted then you can use Quickswitch module for smooth gesture navigation.

Interesting, on my Fairphone I've never noticed an issue using Nova.

I also use a Fairphone and haven't encountered issues with gestures while using a third party launcher (previously Niagara, now Kvaesitso)

Admittedly I switched the gestures back off anyway because I'm just used to using the on screen buttons for the moment

did people forgot how to customize their android?

Sadly yes. It's especially evident to me whenever LineageOS is mentioned as THE way to install a non-standard OS. Not that long ago there were dozens of options for each device and Cyanogenmod (the grandpa of LineageOS) was just one of them, albeit a quite large one.

yeah, but i'm talking about such minor things like using non stock launcher, custom keyboard etc., anyway custom roms are harder now, OEMs make unlocking bootloader harder, also developing is harder itself with non snapdragon SoCs

There used to be an extra switch for linked or unlinked notification+ringer volume. You could use whatever work for you. Now they force you to use separate, which I believe is worse in every way.

Yeah, you can change the launcher, but unfortunately no Android 14 launcher supports smooth gesture navigation or Quickswitch module.