China population decline accelerates as birthrate hits record low

Lee to World – 122 points –
China population decline accelerates as birthrate hits record low

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Weird how selectively producing as many of the sex that can't give birth as possible for a few decades would decrease birth rates!

Next you're gonna tell me that rampant government censorship limits free expression of dissent!

It aint just One Child causing this; pop. decline is happening all over the world right now

It might not be JUST because of that, but One Child sure as hell didn't help.

One child ended officially over a decade ago, and in practice even earlier. China has the same demographic issue as other developed countries in that most if the population is hitting retirement age and there aren't enough workers to replace them. The US and Europe can mitigate this by allowing more immigration, but China is a fairly tacist society, nor is it an attractive destination for migrants. If I'm a Nigerian doctor looking to leave Lagos, I'm not going to China if I can emigrate to the US, UK, or Canada.

One child ended officially over a decade ago, and in practice even earlier

Long enough ago that it's not exacerbating the situation now? Yeah, didn't think so.

China has the same demographic issue as other developed countries in that most if the population is hitting retirement age and there aren't enough workers to replace them

That's like saying "Denmark has a problem with gun violence just like the US does" 🙄

Degrees of severity matters and as I pointed out in my previous reply, it's more severe in China than in countries that HAVEN'T depressed birth rates and massively skewed gender ratios as a matter of official policy for decades.

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One child policy definitely did not help, but this is a problem on many other places too including virtually every single first world country.

What's even worse is that if your country needs more 30 year olds it does not help to start making more children now. It needed to be done 30 years ago. It's either immigration or automation.

this is a problem on many other places too

Yes, but the SEVERITY of the problem differs. I'll bet you dollars to doughnuts that it's worse in China than the average of countries that DIDN'T have laws predictably causing this exact problem.

It needed to be done 30 years ago. It's either immigration or automation.

30 years ago when One Child was still in effect, you say? Imagine that!

And I vote immigration.

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