Texas has until the end of today to stop blocking federal access to miles of the US-Mexico border

Rapidcreek@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 252 points –
Texas has until the end of today to stop blocking federal access to miles of the US-Mexico border | CNN

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yeha im not sure why they were given a deadline instead of instructions for getting out of the way to prevent injury

Leaned this a long time ago. This is the way the Feds do things. They write a demand letter with time deadline certain. The amount of time you have to respond indicates how angry they are with you. By the end of day is very very bad.

if they were unarmed black guys at a traffic stop they'd be dead already. why treat traitors with kid gloves? we need to stop letting fascists get away with it, it's the reason it's gotten so bad and the only way to stop them is to no longer tolerate fascism

Do you really think that Texas police is much different to unarmed black guys against US military?

To be fair, most ROEs require you to receive fire before returning it, so the unarmed people would have to work harder to get shot by the Army.

Especially when there's likely a lot more black guys in the Army than the DPS.

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