So anyway, I'm radicalized, rule to – 1168 points –

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Here's a great vid on airbags for motorcycles

Fun fact the manual ones are better

Edit: He even mentions the one in the post about how it's a bad idea.

That dude annoys me so much, but his content is usually pretty good. Great points on the different air bag systems.

I feel pretty much the same. I love what he's doing. He's doing a great job. But he is annoying.

Wow really? What do you find annoying about him?

I don't know exactly. His delivery I guess. He seems like someone I would absolutely never want to hang out with. But his videos, the ones I've seen over the years, have had solid content.

Wild. I always thought he seemed fine. Pretty self-aware and just Canadian.

Personally it's not like I hate him or anything I just find the delivery a bit grinding to listen to but overall the channel is solid and I still watch most of his videos. They're always informative and interesting.

I’m guessing it’s the dry delivery of “bad” jokes don’t click with a lot of people, but yeah it just feels more self aware Canadian to me. 😅