What happens when a school bans smartphones? A complete transformation | US education | The Guardian

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What happens when a school bans smartphones? A complete transformation

What happens when a school bans smartphones? A complete transformation | US education | The Guardian::Teachers say mobile phones make their lives a living hell – so one Massachusetts school barred them


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Today my computer science teacher asked a friend of mine to show his screentime statistics as a joke. Bro literally spent an average of +11h A DAY on his phone...

Smartphones and apps are scientifically designed to be addictive. The same techniques that make people spend hours at slot machines goes into modern games.

Jesus. I’m at just above two hours for my weekly average. It used to be 8-10 hours daily when I had a job where I had to leave my house, go into an office, and not do any work. Now that I do the same thing but from home, I don’t need to use my phone as much.

I was curious so I looked at mine, it isn't accurate, it says 10 hours 22 minutes average, but it says 7 of that is gaming, there's no way i spend 7 hours of gaming, maybe an hour max a day because the only game I play is ants fallen kingdom which doesn't require much active tike, just enough time to do dailies so 45 mins? , I'm on social media a hell of a lot more then gaming but my social is only at roughly 2 hours. I don't think you can rely on it lol