Donald Trump Is Losing It. Will the Media Make It a Story? to politics – 288 points –
Donald Trump Is Losing It.
Will the Media Make It a Story?

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... which is why he's making it a story, linking to the videos, explaining why it's newsworthy, and then delving into the deeper topic of why a particular segment of right-wing-aligned media is steadily taking over in this country and where it might go if not unchecked, which is the much bigger and more important story beyond just the fact that Trump is a moron sometimes.

The media has been making it a story since the first election. Every single one of his weird ass word salad moments was nation wide news. We just sit around and pretend it was covered up because fox news didn't talk about it.

My MIL watches Newsmax now, since Trump said Fox was liberal media.

She hasn't heard of a single gaffe Trump has made in his rallies. Hasn't heard of how he said Biden would start WWII, hasn't heard he said he ran against Obama in 2016, hasn't heard about how he accused Nicki Haley of refusing his offer to send 10,000 officers to the Capitol on Jan 6. No reports on how his speeches decend into word salad when he looks away from the teleprompter.

She HAS heard that Biden is doing nothing about the border, but not about Republicans refusing to pass Biden's border bill. She believes Biden is a fascist leading the country into communism, that Trump is a godly man, etc etc etc.

It's so hard to talk with her now. She used to be a far left liberal, burned her bra in the 60s, pushed for women's rights. Then she started watching Fox "News" and got brainwashed.

Some media may be making his idiocy/dementia/whateverthehelliswrongwithhim news, but a large chunk of the country doesn't ever see it.

Media who do report this stuff is preaching to the choir.

I say this in a bunch of threads almost every single day


It's absolutely flabbergasting that we as a society have just accepted that "everyone" lies to us all the time, that no media can be trusted (except for "my guy") and that for some reason there's nothing we should do about it.

I rarely see conversations about what we can and should do about our media. I'd love to see some actual things we can do from those intelligent enough or with the correct expertise... I have no idea myself as all I know is we protect the rights for a free press and that pretty much handcuffs us, but it's also important to have...

We do. But it's not just America's perceived far right. It is even many in what America calls the left as well. That's why so much more insidious than people give it credit for.

Yes, Fox News, newsmax, oann are some of the worst of the worst. But every single corporate, for-profits news medium also belongs on that list of propaganda and misinformation. All television, all radio, all print that isn't publicly owned and funded. 100% spreads propaganda.

Even many that are publicly funded are still succeptible. Because the people with the loudest voice and the most resources to spare. Are the ones stealing from us.

Even as children, what we are taught of American history is a complete whitewashing, with a veneer of empty hero worship. And I don't just mean the founding. I mean even things that occurred with in 10 to 20 years of when they're being taught. Are already heavily sanitized and controlled.

100% agreed. The right is currently more dangerous but all corporate media is definitely propaganda meant to manipulate in one way or another. :(

Yes, the problem is that this information doesn't seem to be making it to half the nation.