As folks freeze to death in Milwaukee, Ohio pastor charged for offering shelter to Not The – 380 points –
As folks freeze to death in Milwaukee, Ohio pastor charged for offering shelter | Opinion

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Hahaha this is the best example I've seen of the "no true Scotsman" in my life. I never claimed to be (what you consider to be) a real atheist. Matter of fact, I didn't mention atheism at all.

Even your statement is full of contradictions. "Live and let live" unless you're this guy spreading facts, then sit down and shut up.

And "atheism is simply the decision to not believe in any deities" unless you're this guy spreading facts, then you're "not a real atheist".

You're a walking logical fallacy my dude.

You poor angry little child. There are plenty true atheists. You’re just not among them.

You got confused. You're an anti-theist as in against theism. Atheism simply means without theism. Anyways happy I could clear that up for you. Try to be nicer in the future.

You're an anti-theist as in against theism. Atheism simply means without theism.

You got confused. Atheist and anti-theist are not mutually exclusive positions.

According to your own statement, an anti-theist is an atheist.

Glad I could clear that up for you.

Brilliant deduction. I'm sure you're very smart. One day you might learn that being smart and being correct are not mutually inclusive.

LOL you just keep coming back with your shovel over and over.

One day you might learn that being smart and being correct are not mutually inclusive.

Nor are they mutually exclusive. But once again, as I just explained, you can (and I am, in this case) be both.

You sound like the perfect mutually exclusive example, though. Talking with you is also just as intolerable as talking to a religious nut.

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