Reblog if youre american to Lemmy – 728 points –

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Yeah, I think since the practice is based on organized religion and there's no consent when circumcised, the validity of circumcision is quite questionable.

But, medically speaking, is circumcision harmful?

That's a genuine question and I see a lot of uncircumcised people complain about phimosis and the skin flap getting tighter and more uncomfortable as they grow older, being cut sounds better.

It can be very very harmful, with pretty much no benefits. The claim that it helps prevent spread of sti's is thoroughly debunked, and a person's risk of getting penile cancer is way lower than the risk of complications from circumcision. The claim that is easier as a baby is also VERY thoroughly bullshit, on account of a baby's foreskin is literally attached to their penis and has to be ripped away. All that pain and risk and long-term damage for basically nothing, it's kinda fucked up that it's still as common as it is

Your entire post is simply false and outright misinformation.

Absolutely nothing you said is even remotely true.

Shame on you.

Be careful not to offer too much evidence with your dramatic accusations.

But, medically speaking, is circumcision harmful?

Seems to be among the hysterical crowd who's not actually familiar with the medical opinions on this topic. Not surprising.

Oddly, I happen to know a plastic surgeon who performs the procedure in my city, he's apparently the go to guy for it so when given the opportunity to talk about children's genitals I just had to take it up with him....he told me, to my surprise that the vast bulk of his patients now are recently immigrated from Africa. Wasn't expecting that, was more just curious how much bullshit he got on a day to day basis given his specialty.

last i checked according to the ole reliable wikipedia, circumcision is still pretty big in other parts of the world, notably africa iirc.

Society is weird.

It's odd to me, and the specialist that the majority of his work now involves African people rather than the clientele he's been working with for the past 30ish years of his practice was the point he emphasized.

yeah, it's a fair observation, i just felt the need to mention that for some reason. Often times weird things have fairly simple explanations.